Nga Whakairinga Rangitaki
What have we been up to?
Work Confidence Wananga
Employment Navigators Experience
We started day one with some courageous conversations, confrontations, strong opinions, a few swear words and a I don’t want to be here kind of attitude. These interactions happened before we even had introductions. It is always good to observe how people interact before they are introduced to each other.
When I start any wananga I introduce myself this way. I was 13 when I had my first boyfriend…their reactions where hilarious, Until I say, and that boyfriend is now my husband I am now 52. I have 3 beautiful children, 7 grandchildren with my 8th coming in Jan. They are my WHY.
As each of the clients introduce themselves, They speak with pride of their children and grandchildren. I love day 1 as this is the day we look at hopes and dreams. What was your childhood Dream when it comes to employment? Did you pursue your dream? What is your dream now?. Our clients have many discussions around their hopes and dreams, and its a great time to drop some courage. How can your voice become more predominant? First homework is to look in the mirror and speak to the most amazing person staring back at you.
Day 2 Did you do your homework, how did you encourage the wonderful person staring back at you. Usually, it is a discussion around the table about why they see what they see. Their conversations with each other become encouraging as some traumas are revealed, the things and people that have influenced and stopped their dreams, gifts and talents. It is amazing to see empathy, encouragement and support become a part of the culture. They learn about themselves and what they can and will achieve. We had a really good session on Nga Pou e Rima and they discovered things they have never considered about themselves. It is at this stage that their attitudes and behaviors changed, and the learning begins. They are receptive to receiving and are like sponges that are soaking up all that is being put on the table. They have a knowledge that no matter what has happened that every day is a new day and a time to start again.
Day 3 Relationships have formed, excitement as well as nerves are in the atmosphere. They are encouraging each other, as we are encouraging them. There was a sense of success and achievement in the atmosphere. High fives all around and congratulations are given at the end of presentations.
A very successful and satisfying Wananga for 8 special people building confidence to enter back into the work place.
A very successful and satisfying Wananga for 8 special people building confidence to enter back into the work place.
Bena Putarunui - 2021
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