The Business Awards

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The Rotorua Business Awards

2021 started with a hiss and a roar, we had a great summer, our staff numbers grew and so did our services to the community of Rotorua. We moved premises and to top it off we were nominated by an unknown nomination to be selected for the 2021 Rotorua Business Awards 2021.

We have always been an organisation that has worked with a deep commitment and conviction, this being reflected in one of our organisational cultures “Let our mahi do the talking”, so on that note, its important to acknowledge that we work from a lens of serving others. We have never thought about being a part of an award to acknowledge or celebrate our mahi. However, we must also consider our staff, those who have committed to what drives us to see families and their communities become healthier, more independent, autonomous, sustainable and contributing their ideas, time, expertise, and desire to participate in making a difference. Therefore, it was with humility we accepted the nomination and decided to participate in the process to showcase our organisation to now being a finalist! Who would have thought after 17 years of service to the community of Rotorua we will be wearing our finest attire as we attended the high-profile business awards celebrating innovation and creativity in the business sector.

What are the Business Awards?
The Rotorua Business Awards are delivered annually by Rotorua Business Chamber. Not only do the awards offer recognition for our organisation, but also provides the opportunity to benchmark and gain expert advice on how we can continue to prosper. There are 7 different Business categories, and the category we have been nominated for is the Bilingual Business entry which is by nomination and the winner is selected by the judges. We are one of the three selected finalists alongside of Rotoiti 15 and Kura Kārearea.

The category we are nominated for considers the following aspects of our business:
• It recognises the daily use of bilingual practices in everyday business, showcasing the importance and value of Rotorua's bilingual city status.
• Our story will be about how the use of bilingualism adds multiple values into the business and its employees, clients, and partners.
• It extends beyond Te Reo into how our business enriches and shares the unique shared bicultural history of Rotorua.
• It also discusses the Treaty of Waitangi partnerships, local history and unique aspects of Rotorua and the entity’s placed in it.

We would also like to acknowledge all our governing board and our staff who have contributed to the growth and vision of our Trust over the past 17 years. Many served a great length of time in the organisation and contributed to the work of our vision “Communities are solid, strong and self-supporting” whilst some have passed on and others have moved on to other organisations. We must always remember their gifts, talents and contributions to this mahi. To our CEO Israel Hawkins and General Manager Teresa Hawkins, Thank you Both for working tireless hours, never giving up on the bigger picture and bringing about your inspiration to see the ideas that flow through your mind into the fruit of what Wera Aotearoa Charitable Trust is today. We walk into the awards as finalists to celebrate our community, our governance, and staff for 17 years of this mahi.


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