Nga Whakairinga Rangitaki
What have we been up to?
Introducing Maggie Curtis
Kia ora tatou
Thank-you so much for your warm welcome to the organisation, I am excited to be working within the Finance and Administration Team.
I was born and bred in Tamaki Makaurau and grew up on a horticulture farm with my parents and three amazing brothers.
My husband, two daughters and I moved to Tauranga in 2000 first opting for beachside living, before moving to a small lifestyle block in Pyes Pa in 2006, which we love and continue to live.
We have one beautiful grand daughter who keeps us on our toes and hope to have more someday!!
I have a background in business consulting, accounting, payroll & business systems and look forward to contributing to the WACT journey.
We have a passion for tramping and are privileged to have been able to see a lot of our beautiful country by walking it.

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