Nga Whakairinga Rangitaki
What have we been up to?
Introducing Hardy Schutz
Kia ora tatou, ko Hardy Schutz ahau.
I whakapapa to Ngāti Maniapoto and Ngāti Pāoa.
I was born and raised for the first part of my life in Māngere Tāmaki Makaurau where I had wonderful childhood memories growing up with my 2 brothers and sister and Mum and Dad.
My Mum is Māori (raised in Pukekohe and Hauraki) and my Dad East Prussian (raised in Germany). My oldest sister died in 1963 and is buried in Māngere Bridge.
In 2001 I made my way to Rotorua via Kirikiriroa. I have been here ever since.
My hoa wahine is Wendy (born Essex England) and between us we have 4 Tamariki: Amber, Shannon, Kaiza, and Nataria whom we love dearly.
We have 2 cats Loki and Jax. And we love our cats too of course.
I have a couple years prior experience in a hauora space helping whanau in the community through a Kaupapa Māori and Pākehā holistic/clinical approach.
I also have a very diversified past employment background from telecommunications, banking, hydraulics technician to horticulture to name a few.
After hours I like to keep fit and workout either at home or do trapeze with Wendy at MIGS gym.
We both like working in our garden where we find it to be therapeutically peaceful and quiet and our place of zen.
Ma te Atua e manaaki
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