Nga Whakairinga Rangitaki
What have we been up to?
Introducing Atalasa Salesa
Born an breed in Invercargill and have lived in Australia. Solo parent of two children. My work history is from Mental health, dementia and elderly care and disabilities. I am also the owner of my own hairstyling business that specialises in braids. I moved to Rotorua 2 years ago after falling in love with the town when I came up here to do braids for one weekend.
I have a Diploma in Whanau Ora which has given me a deeper understanding in colonisation and the affects it had on Māori. I am passionate about advocating for our vulnerable and have brought awareness around racism and the affects it has on our tamariki. I do this by supporting my daughter who has had many racial encounters at school, and we have brought awareness around this through radio, tv series as well as 1 news. I am excited to work for this organisation where I can utilise my skills to support whanau and the community.

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